One month ago today I had to say goodbye to my beautiful Lola. It's still unfathomable to me that Lola The Rescued Cat is gone. Her larger-than-life personality and joie de vivre, rivaling any human's, should have given her 20 lives. Or at least more time than only 13 1/2 years on this earthly plane.
Having a bond as deep and close as the one I shared with her made the decision to let her go infinitely harder because I felt like a piece of me was leaving with her. For a while I knew we were living on borrowed, limited time. I also knew that I would miss her deeply when the time came, but I didn’t realize how deep the grief would be.
Hi, I'm Lola! I went from dumpster kitty to princess and I lived the best life ever! I made my journey to the Rainbow Bridge on 1/16/24. I was always passionate about rescue and animal welfare and giving all animals the best life they deserve. I was an author, too! You can buy a copy of my book below. My sister, Lexy, and my Mom continue the blog. Welcome!