PR | Lola The Rescued Cat


Why You Should Work With Us
Lola The Rescued Cat is an award-winning blog read by a community of cat lovers who are dedicated to giving their cats a wonderful life. Because we believe all cats should be given the opportunity to live their best lives, we are proud to bring attention to quality pet-related products. 

Major pet brands, such as PetFusionSleepypodPioneer Pet, and Catit have entrusted us to be a brand ambassador for their products. 

With Lola The Rescued Cat you will get brand awareness and a connection to pet lovers (your target audience) through our social media channels, as well as a presence on a steadily growing pet blog.  All reviews include quality photographs taken with a photogenic cat and are written in a unique and clever way that engages our audience. 

Tabby cat with Raindrop fountain

Reviews are written authentically, based on our personal experience with your product. Your website and social media links will be promoted in all reviews.

Please note, in order to adhere to the Google Webmaster Tools Terms of Service all sponsored posting and advertising links will be tagged with the ‘sponsored’ attribute.

Download our Media Kit here: Lola The Rescued Cat Media Kit

Tabby cat with Petfusion products

Collaboration Opportunities: 
Opportunities include:
  • Quality product reviews 
  • Giveaways 
  • Brand ambassadorships 
  • Sponsored posts 
  • Guest posts 
  • Book reviews 
  • Sidebar advertising
Email us at and let's get the conversation started. 

What The Brands Are Saying: 
"Dawn's reviews are awesome! I love the detail, photos, and wonderful descriptions of the products. She is a pleasure to work with." -Shannon, Marketing Director, Pioneer Pet 

Meet The Team! 
Lola has made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge, but Lexy is proud to be our lead reviewer and to share some of our photos and videos with you. 

Tabby cat with Oxyfresh products

Black and white cat with Pixi feeder

Black and white cat in a Sleepypod


Would you like to comment?

  1. Hello,

    I am Luciferbui from
    I find your blog on google and i am very like this blog.That is Awesome for me.
    We would like to sponsor post in your blog or you can add it in your old article.
    Please tell me if you can, we will pay for it, reply me via email

    Hop to see your reply soon.


  2. Hi sweet Lola!! We are also proud to have a rescue/Adopted shelter cat, named Yoda! He now travels with us all over the world! If you like, let's swap stories! xoxo


Thank you for your comment! We love meowing with you!