AWARDS | Lola The Rescued Cat


Lola The Rescued Cat is a multi-award-winning blog. We have been honored with the coveted Muse Medallion from the Cat Writers' Association for best Rescue and Advocacy Blog in 2018 and 2019, best General Blog in 2020, best Educational Blog in 2022, and the Fear Free Pets special award in 2019. 

Awards & Nominations:

Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest

Muse Medallions: 

Certificates of Excellence:
Lola Soaks up the Sun - Photograph
Lexy - Photograph

Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest
Top Certificate of Excellence and Muse Medallion Winner

Muse Medallions: 
Blog/Webisite -  Informational
Serial Works Entered by an Editor - Rescue Stories

Certificates of Excellence:
Lola The Rescued Cat (In Blogsite/Website - Educational)

Council Member, Cat Writers' Association

Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest
Top Certificate of Excellence and Muse Medallion Winner

Muse Medallions: 
Blogsite/Website: General
Rescue Article: Lola's Unspoken Story

Certificates of Excellence:

Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest
Top Certificate of Excellence Winner

Muse Medallions: 
Blogsite/Website: Rescue and Advocacy

Special Award:
Fear Free Pets Special Award - Benefits of a Fear Free Vet Visit

Certificates of Excellence:
Lola The Rescued Cat (in Blogsite/Website: Rescue & Advocacy)
Rescue Stories in Series
Kitten in a Cat Cafe (in Photography: Single)

Special Needs Shelter Cat With Her Nip Nanner (in Photography: Single)

Council Member, Cat Writers' Association


Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest

Muse Medallion: 
Blogsite/Website: Rescue and Advocacy

Certificates of Excellence: 
Lola on the Road Column
Hiring a Pet Sitter is Good for Your Cat - And You!
Five Top Household Poisons for Cats
Kids Bond With Cats Through Books - Paws to Read at Tabby's Place
Summer Safety Tips for Cats Series
Why Lexy Writes to Save Lives - #RememberMeThursday 2018
Lola on the Road - Brooklyn Cat Cafe
Catnip Nation Series
Lola The Rescued Cat (in Blogsite/Website: Rescue & Advocacy)
Kitten in a Cat Cafe (in Photography: Single)

Treasurer, Cat Writers' Association

Cat Writers' Association Annual Communications Contest

Certificate of Excellence: 
Patricia H. Ladew Foundation: A Haven for Cats on Long Island

Treasurer, Cat Writers' Association

BlogPaws Nose to Nose Pet Blogging & Social Media Awards

Finalist - Best Written Pet Blog Post: 
It's Lexy's Seventh Gotcha Day! 

Finalist - Best Written Pet Blog Post - Sponsored:
Your Cat Will Travel in Style and Safety With the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

I was also chosen to be the cat-related Ambassador at the 2017 BlogPaws Conference.

Cat Writers' Association  Annual Communications Contest

Certificates of Excellence: 
Stressed by the Vet? Try a Cat-Friendly Practice
Tabby's Place - Blog the Change for Animals

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