It's Lexy's 9th Gotcha Day! And We're Raising Money for HVHS! | Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

It's Lexy's 9th Gotcha Day! And We're Raising Money for HVHS!

Nine years ago today, I adopted Lexy. She has always been the one to write about her gotcha day (you can read about it here and here), Her posts landed her a spot in the finals in the BlogPaws Nose to Nose Awards in the Best Written Pet Blog Post category, and she recently won a Certificate of Excellence in the Cat Writers’ Association Annual Communication Contest. (That’s my girl!) This year (with Lexy’s permission, of course) I decided to write about how special this day is to me. 

Hudson Valley Humane Society

Many years ago my soul kitty was Marvin. He was my one true love, my heart cat, who came into my life as a rambunctious black and white kitten when I was 19 years old. When I was 31 my life took an unexpected turn; I had to move and I could not take Marvin with me. (You can read that story here.) Over the years I’ve heard my share of negative comments about it, but my motto is “you shouldn’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” The guilt of having to leave behind the one living being who loved me unconditionally ran deep and the loneliness was unbearable. There was a hole in my heart and soul, and it felt like someone slowly and methodically carved it there with a dull dagger and then periodically prodded it with a red-hot poker. I was fairly convinced that not only would there would never be another Marvin, but there also would never be another cat in my life. That was 1994. 

Hudson Valley Humane Society
Lexy made herself at home right away!

Fast forward to April 10, 2010. I was spending the day shopping and running errands with my family, and my niece asked if we could stop at Petco so she could buy some things for her new puppy. The Hudson Valley Humane Society was there holding an adoption event and I was immediately drawn to that area of the store. I said hello to the volunteers and when they asked if I was interested in adopting I quickly answered that I was not. I went from cage to cage looking at each cat, and then… there she was. The most adorable black and white cat with beautiful expressive eyes and a perfect pink nose. I was smitten, to say the least. I called my sister over and exclaimed: “who does she remind you of?!” All my sister could do was smile and nod; this cat also reminded her of Marvin. As I inquired about her I learned her name was Lexy and she was abandoned by her family who moved away and left her behind to fend for herself outside. She had been there almost a year, and when I asked if there was something “wrong” with her, the volunteer (I still remember his name was George) said people just wanted a younger cat (she was only 1 and ½ !) or a more exotic looking cat. I thought other people were nuts! 

Hudson Valley Humane Society
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George asked me if I wanted to pet her. When I put my hand in her cage I gave her a little pet, and she proceeded to stand up and turn around so her back was to me – and totally ignored me. But that didn't stop me from falling in love with her. I had to have her, and I wanted to bring her home immediately. Just then an older woman walked by and asked about her. She said she lived with her son had to ask him if she could have a cat, and as soon as she did she’d be back. George couldn’t believe that two people inquired about Lexy in one day! I was resigned to the fact that there was no way Lexy was going home with anybody but me.

Hudson Valley Humane Society
"You're late for breakfast, Mother." 

I rushed home to dig my lease out of the closet and right there, stamped in in big black letters, were the words “NO PETS.” My heart sank. Then I really took a step out of my comfort zone and called my landlord, asking him if I could have a cat. He agreed, as long as I promised not to flush any litter down the toilet. Done deal! I immediately emailed HVHS and they put a hold on her for me.

I made a list of all the necessities Lexy would need and dragged my boyfriend to Petco. I stocked up on anything and everything she could want, all before my application was approved. I just knew in my heart we were going to be together. One week after our serendipitous meeting, accompanied by a car full of family members, I went to pick her up. When we arrived home she hopped up into the kitchen window to look outside and seemed so happy! Immediately I knew this was the best decision I had made in a long time.

Hudson Valley Humane Society
"I love the view!"

Hudson Valley Humane Society
"Thank you for adopting me. I'm happy you're my Mother now." 

Lexy has brought me endless joy! She is willful and determined, funny and resourceful.

Hudson Valley Humane Society
"I can reach those treats."

Hudson Valley Humane Society
"Got 'em!"

She demands my attention only when she wants it and will tap me with her paw to let me know she wants me to pet her. In many ways, we’re a lot alike. We’re often misunderstood, and people incorrectly believe we love being loners. We’re introspective and contemplative, and our intelligence is often underestimated. We’re frequently standing on the sidelines while others tote their own accolades wishing we could speak up for ourselves, or wishing we could get a word in edgewise (so people would know how great we are, too) when others assume control in conversations. (And yes, Lola does those things!) That’s okay, Lexy. As long as we understand each other that’s all that matters. 

Hudson Valley Humane Society
She loved exploring and finding new places to nap.

Lexy healed an old wound that I thought would hurt forever. My memories of Marvin and our life together are still safely stored inside a paw print shaped cocoon deep inside my heart. But Lexy’s love quickly mended the hole that was there, and the red-hot poker has stopped prodding me. I can now think of Marvin with more love than I’ve been able to in many years and his photo is proudly displayed on the shelf above my television. Yes, there is still some guilt there, but it's no longer a black cloud lingering over the memories of love and happiness we shared. 

Hudson Valley Humane Society
Marvin is on the right. Samantha, his best friend, is on the left.

As is our tradition for her Gotcha Day, we’re having a comment-thon to raise money for Hudson Valley Humane Society. For every comment we get on this post and the post pinned to our Facebook page, we’re donating $1 to HSVS. They are a wonderful organization, and I hope to visit them in the spring to write about them on the blog. (Lola’s acupuncturist used to work on the grounds of HSVS. What a small world!) 

In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, upon Frodo's departure from Lothlorien Galadrial gifts him with "the Light of Earendil, our most beloved star" and tells him "May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." Nine years ago I found my own Light of Earendil sitting in a cage, waiting for her forever family. Lexy, you have brought so much light to my darkest places. Happy Gotcha day, beautiful girl! I hope you know how much happiness you bring me every minute of every day, my beloved star.

Hudson Valley Humane Society

Thank you for celebrating this special day with us and helping us raise money for a wonderful organization that does so much for the community in Rockland County! 

Tell us about your soul kitty. We'd love to hear about them.


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  1. Happy Gotcha Day, Miss Lexy! Your personality has always seemed fascinating and a bit mysterious and we can't wait to read more in the coming years!

  2. Happy gotcha day, Lexy! You obviously were the right kitty in the right place for your human... as was I. My human's heart cat, Harlot, funny enough, was the diametric opposite of me, even though we are both special to her in our own ways.

  3. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy, and I am so happy to read that you two are bonded tighter than glue. My mommy and I are too. Robin will always be there in her heart as will Hoppy and Admiral, yes. But she and I are as though we have known one another always. I was 5 when we found one another soon after Admiral flew away. I made myself right at home too...including getting into bed with her that first night. She woke with me stretched alongside her, still sound asleep. Mom and I were not able to read about Marvin as the link wasn't there. We would love to meet him. Thank you Lexy for telling me all about you. XXX

  4. Such a terrific story and my whiskers did get weepy wet in a happy way. Happy Gotcha Day from all of us beautiful Lexy!

  5. Such a beautiful post! I love the LOTR quote too. Lexy sure is one special girl. Thanks for sharing her story with us and how much she has touched your life. Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy -- we hope you guys have a wonderful celebration!!!

  6. Happy Gotcha Day to Lexy! We hope her day is filled with lots of treats and love!

  7. What a terrific post! Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy!

  8. That story touched my heart, thank you for sharing it. Happy Birthday Lexy light of Dawn's life!

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy ! What a wonderful way to celebrate ! Purrs

  10. HAPPY Gotcha Day Lexy!! Those tuxie girls are something special

  11. lexy; a MOST happee gotcha day two ewe N 984 pawz up for raizin green paperz for yur shelter !!! we hope ewe N joy yur day; get in trubull, haz sum perch pizza, due sum fun stuff with lola & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☺☺ !

  12. Happy Gothcha day Lexi. We are so lucky to be loved unconditionally and I know you paw it back to mom every single day. We are so happy our comment will help those in need
    Timmy and the Easter Kitties

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy and many more fun adventures and years to come.
    PS just love your skill at fetching out the treats!

  14. Happy Happy 9th Gotcha Day Lexy!!!!! So happy you were gotted!

  15. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy, and thank you for mending your wonderful mama's shattered heart!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy!!!!! So glad you were gotted and heres to many more.

  17. Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy ! And many more !

  18. Happy gotcha day, Lexy! I'm so glad you got a home with your mom. I always love reading about you. I hope you're enjoying your very special day!

  19. It seems like you and your mom hit the jackpot!! Happy gotcha day to you, Lexy!

  20. Help Gotcha Day Lexy! I'm sure Marvin was left in someone nice's care. I'll bet you wish you would have axed your landlord sooner so maybe you could have kept him.

    1. That was way back in 1994 and I didn't live here. It was a different place with a different management company.

  21. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Lexy! XO

  22. Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy! You are an amazingly special kitty, and so, so loved. How perfect that you and Mommy found each other. XO

  23. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Furstly, Happy Gitchaday gawjus Lexy. We're so glad you got gotted. And we hope your day and month are as purrfect as you are. And, we're so happy fur you awnty Dawn. You are wonderful and pawsum no matter what. We're sorry you had so much pain befur but we're glad your heart can now feel the luv and be filled with luv. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  24. Pawkisses for a Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Lexi and 9 extra for the occassion🐾😽💞

  25. Happy Gotcha Day! I just read Martin's story. I know that was really difficult for you, but it seems like it was the best option for both of you. I am so happy that Lexy healed that wound. It is hard to believe that she wasn't scooped up right away, but I guess fate knew that you would walk through the door one day.

  26. A very big happy gotcha day to Lexy!!! I love how she helped to heal a wound. Cats are wonderful beings and you have two perfect ones in your life!

  27. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy!

    Noodle and crew

  28. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy! I had tears in my eyes while I read this heartwarming tribute. It's incredible how fate brings us together.

  29. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy ! You are one lucky cat to have such a wonderful Mom and thank you for healing your Mom's heart, it made me smile with happiness

  30. Happy Gotcha Day Lexy! She's a beautiful cat. It sounds like you entered each others lives just when you needed each other most. Here's to many more happy Gotcha Day celebrations!


  32. Happy 9th Gotcha Day! We can't believe it's been that long!

  33. You did right by Marvin. I'm sorry you had to go through that guilt, and grief. The photos are great and I live this tribute. I'm sorry my original comment didn't go through.

  34. Belated Happy Gotcha Day, Lexy! I am sorry I am too late for your commentathon but I just got back from 2 weeks holiday with no internet.

  35. Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Lexy! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating!Sorry we missed the Comment-a-thon, but what a great way to celebrate and help others!


Thank you for your comment! We love meowing with you!