Selife Sunday 9/10/23 and an Update | Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Selife Sunday 9/10/23 and an Update

 Lola: Hello, friends! It's been quite a while since we've posted here on the blog. Life has been a little hectic here in our neck of the woods. 

Lexy: We can't tell you how much we've missed our blogosphere family. And we want you to know how important you all are to us. 

Lola: Yes, that's right for sure. Okay, so onto the selfies and the update. Mommy will fill you in. 

Thanks, girls. Well, as Lola said, life has been a little hectic. As you all know, we moved last year. The move was very stressful for both of the girls, but they settled in nicely. Shortly after that health issues started arising. 

Lola had extremely high calcium levels that took some time to address. Luckily, the vet we were using at the time was very good, and she got them down to normal. Lola also had an eye injury during this period that took several vet visits to resolve. 

Shortly after Lola was settled, Lexy started having issues that started with weight loss. She was barely 8 pounds (which is thin for her), and she didn't look good at all. I found a new vet (which is another long story) and we started making a treatment plan for Lexy. Her white blood cell count was through the roof, so an ultrasound was ordered. The ultrasound showed significant inflammation in the intestinal tract, as well as something with her liver and spleen. And of course, we already knew her kidneys were compromised. I opted not to do an endoscopy, so the vet prescribed prednisolone. Repeat bloodwork showed her WBC count lowered some, but she was now anemic, so we started a multivitamin. We had to repeat bloodwork again which showed little improvement. So we continue with the prednisolone, and multivitamin, and have added a kidney supplement as well. The good news is she's up to 9 pounds and has a good appetite! And she's fighting me with meds so her spunk has definitely returned! We have to go for more bloodwork in a month. 

Lola has been having significant issues. I can't remember exactly when they started, but I would say about three months ago she started meowing at night. That slowly escalated to howling and it now occurs every night - sometimes all night. I've gone several nights in a row with only a few hours of sleep. The main problem with the howling is that I live in a building and I don't want my neighbors to complain. (I've even caught her on the camera howling during the day.) To summarize what we've done so far: full bloodwork, special thyroid testing, repeat bloodwork - all normal. Her weight currently is 6.4 pounds, but she should be at least 7.5. We started a natural calming supplement, which helped somewhat but did not stop the howling at night. So we moved on to Gabapentin. Gabapentin worked wonderfully for a couple of weeks and I actually got to sleep through the night. However, the past few nights she is up again howling. The next step is to take her back in for a re-check and have her weighed, and the vet will take her blood pressure to see if she is hypertensive. The vet also mentioned the possibility of the onset of dementia, but we're ruling everything else out before she officially diagnoses that.

I'm trying diligently to find an acupuncturist in our new county, but it has been very difficult. We were turned down by one because Lola is on medication and they felt it wouldn't work, which I disagree with. I'm still working hard to find someone because the last time Lola had acupuncture it literally saved her life. 

So if you've stayed to this point in the post, thank you. And I know the girls are anxious to share their selfies with you. 

Lola enjoying the view from the window.

Lexy getting back in the posing game for photo shoots.

We'll continue to keep our friends posted, and as soon as both girls are settled we'll be back to blogging more regularly. I miss writing, and seeing what our friends are up to. Until then, please know everyone is in our thoughts. 

We hope you like our selfies. Happy Sunday! 
Dawn, Lola, and Lexy

We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for their selfie Sunday blog hop. Hop on over to see more selfies! 

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  1. Thank you for catching us up, Lexy, Lola, and Dawn. It definitely sounds like things have been hectic there. We think about you all a lot, and send our best purrs and prayers your way. How funny (not in a ha ha way) you should mention feline acupuncture. Ava had her regular checkup on Friday, and I noticed a diploma/certificate on the examination room wall for one of the vets. He's been certified for more than 20 years, from what I can gather. Is Norwalk too far from you to consider?

  2. Here's hoping both Lexy and Lola find some equilibrium with their current medical issues.
    Not sleeping is zero fun.

  3. We've missed you, though we haven't been able to keep up very well lately either. Sorry to hear of the kitties' health concerns and we are purring for them to do well. Love the selfies!

  4. Great Selfies. We hope your medical issues all clear up quickly,

  5. Wishing Lola and Lexy a rapid return to good health. My Sylvie started doing a lot of nighttime vocalizing too, and was subsequently diagnosed with high blood pressure. Daily medication has brought it under control, but she still wakes me during the night to ask for food!

  6. It is good to hear from you again although I am sorry Lola and Lexy are both having health issues. I hope the vet can get a satisfactory plan of action for all of you. The selfies are lovely.

  7. Dear Lola and Lexy, we love your visit. And meeting you both only to find you have had a furry bad time of it with health. We kitties must stay healthy fur our moms. You took lovely selfies and are furry pretty, as all us kitties are, mol. We will be watching fur your updates. Meow Precious and Lynn

  8. Lovely selfies, ladies. I hope all of the health issues get figured out. Sending hugs to the girls and to you, Dawn!

  9. So nice to see both of you, Lola and Lexy. But sorry you're having some health issues. I have health issues we can relate. The mom says if your mom ever wants to talk to let her know. I'm sending you both mega purrs. ~Ernie

  10. It is a worry for you having them both a bit unwell and the yowling I can empathise with as our late foster Weasley did that a little back in England. I hope you get her sorted out, she is the best girl and such a treasure. I hope you get an acupuncture person soon, I KNOW these things can make a difference, I know it!

    Keep trying and we look forward to seeing you soon on the blog.

    Marjorie and Toulouse

  11. I am sorry both of your girls have had so many health problems. I will add them both to my prayer list. XO

  12. Kitties Blue: I don’t know why, but several people who use this comment form have it set up so that it does not allow us to enter our URL. It tells us that it is invalid. Others work just fine. Your form is one that doesn’t. And it looks as if Marjorie had the same problem! Anyhoo, we are delighted to have you girls on the hop today. We too are dealing with health issues, especially with Misty May and her eye issues. On top of that MM has hyperthyroidism, which we do not treat. When she is on thyroid meds, she meyowls at night and throws up. Instead I am feeding her very time she asks, which is multiple times a day. Still, she weighs only 3.5 pounds. We go back to have her eye checked on Tuesday. At one week from turning 19, she really is not a candidate for eye surgery. I really hope you can find an acupuncturist. When I personally had one, my life and health were so much better. Too bad, we no longer have one for humans here. We do have a couple of vet ones. So, I definitely know how stressful all of this is and totally understand the lack of sleep. Eye drops every four hours has me getting very little. I will keep all of you in my prayers that you can get the girls healthy and life back on schedule! Love and hugs, Janet XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  13. Oh dear, y'all have sure had a time of it and we hope that things really improved soon. Hugs to you and your girls from all of us.

  14. We are sending purrayers and POTP to you and both your girls. We especially hope there is something to help them. (Maybe Lola is experiencing hearing loss ?) It is sad and scary when our furkids have problems that they can't tell us about. We hope you can find an acupuncturist too.

  15. Girls I am sending strong POTP', and Prayers too for all three of you. Mom and you girls. Admiral passed on because of Hypercalcimia. If something can be done now, I am so happy to hear that.

  16. Beautiful selfies, and sending lots of purrs to all of you. We've missed you girls!

  17. I wish I could give you all hugs. You've been through a lot. We love you, Dawn, Lola, and Lexy!

  18. Mee-yow Lola an Lexy wee wundered what happened. Wee so sorry you both have health issuess!!! Lola wee are so furry wurried 'bout yore howlin.....wee nevurr new Catss cuud get Deementia an wee not want you to have it!
    An Lexy what efurr iss wrong with you iss furry scarey! Wee hope yore vitaminss an meddycinss will help yu get bettur two.
    Wee lovess you both so-o much!
    An Miss Dawn wee furry sorry you are goin thru all this with THE girlss. If there iss anythin wee can due; let us nose OKay??
    ***nose kissess*** an POTP BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} an purrayerss BellaSita Mum

  19. oh wow, all of you have been thru the ringer. I know how hard it is to find a good vet, which is one of the reasons I may not move. She is a great homeopathic dr, and does acupuncture, aquapuncture, cold light laser, tens, stem cell with acupuncture, etc. I sure hope you can find someone. Please girls, get well, and let your Mom get some sleep. I know how that is my 2 senior dogs have had issues lately and I rarely get enough sleep. However, they are my children, so they come first as both of you do with your Mom. Please get well very soon! I thought it was me missing your posts because I have not been on social media much these past few weeks. All of your followers will be praying for both of you to get better immediately. We missed you girls.

  20. We are sorry to hear that you are struggling with so many health issues. I know how tough it is. Sending purrs and hugs. <3

  21. We're sorry to hear about the health issues. Sending purrs, hugs and healing vibes xx

  22. Oh, we hope so much for good health for you darlings. Dementia does happen to us kitties, but it may just be something simpler than that. So hard to find causes sometimes.

  23. Lola you are a beautiful Tabby. I send you and your staff lots of healing purrs...
    Hugs Cecilia

  24. de manee blessingz oh St Francis two ewe both, de dood noes hiz stuff and sum timez blessingz werk just az good az med….may bee if one iz
    cloze bye, mom can set an a point mint with a holistic vet ? sendin hugz and lovez 🐟💚💙🍀

  25. It's such a stressful time for you all. Purrs from my angels and "purrayers" from me, to both Lexy and Lola...and you too!

    Kim and her angels

  26. We are pawfully sorry about your health issues. Sending purrs and POTP.
    Your selfies are beautiful.

  27. So sorry about all the health issues, sweet Lola amd Lexy, but grateful that you're still here. We missed you too you know💗We hope you find a good acupuncturist, as we know from experiences alternative healing works🙏 Healing Pawkisses for the both of you and your mommy too🐾😽💞

  28. We are sending our best POTP for Lola, and more even for Lexy. And pawyers as well. Our Pipo did a lot of yowling in his latter days...but not enough to keep us awake all night. We think that Acupuncture might help a lot. Is there an animal chiropractor anywhere near you? They can be very helpful too. We used to have one here, but he moved away...sigh...

  29. Mum and I send lots of Positive energy and purrs. We hope things start getting better soon!
    Purrs, Julie

  30. Mark's Mews: We are sitting with paws crossed hoping for your health issues to improve!

  31. It’s Emilia from Life & Cats. This is the third time I’ve tried to comment. I’m really sorry to hear you all are struggling. The night time howling drives me round the bend. Have you checked her hearing? Treeno was doing that, I thought dementia too, he is almost 17. Until he slept peacefully through a thunderstorm and July 4th and I realized he’d been losing his hearing. He’s stopped the howling now that he can’t hear himself anymore.

  32. Purrs sweet girls, and for your Mom, too who cares so much for you both. Ann & June

  33. Purrs for all of you. Scylla has to take a thyroid pill every morning and Mom gives her Churu with the pill hidden in it and she licks it right up. Mom says it's so nice not to have to fight at pill time. Scylla actually looks forward to it. Shh don't tell her she is actually taking medication she thinks she has been singled out for a special treat since she is Mom's favorite.

  34. I'm sending healing purrs to both Lexy and Lola!

  35. We send Lola and Lexy tons of healing purrs ; we cross our paws, and hope they feel better soon. Purrs

  36. Good luck! It's especially difficult with more than one to puzzle out. I'm glad you were able to find care so soon after you moved, and I hope you find an acupuncturist. At least only my "worry checking" keeps me up at night, no solo arias.


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