Selfie Sunday and an Update - 6/25/23 | Lola The Rescued Cat
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Selfie Sunday and an Update - 6/25/23

Hello, and Happy Friday! Wow, Lexy and I can't believe we haven't had a blog post since February 20th! I don't think we've gone this long without posting since we started our blog. We've given some updates on our lives since moving, which you can read herehere, and here.  I'm going to let Mommy take over from here. Go ahead, Mommy. 

Thank you, Lola, and hello to all of you! I wanted to give you a brief update to let you know how we're doing. Two and half weeks ago we celebrated one year in our new apartment. Time seems to have flown and crawled at the same time. I finally have all of my furniture, and all of my artwork hung up. I did a final declutter, and everything is now organized. It's a good feeling! 

Tabby cat sleeping in a window

The girls are very happy here. It was a tough transition, but they finally settled. They love the views, the breeze off the water, the ducks, boats, and everything else. They have a comfortable routine and enjoy having more room to run around. 

tuxedo cat sitting on the kitchen counter
I still go on the counter, even though I'm not allowed to.

One of the most challenging tasks has been finding a vet. We're now on our third veterinary hospital since moving, which has been difficult because both Lola and Lexy have been to the vet several times. 

tabby cat sticking her tongue out

In December Lola injured her eye playing with a feather toy. She had an abrasion on her cornea which took a few weeks of eye ointment, and a few trips to the vet, to heal. The vet found a lump on her belly at this time, but luckily it turned out to be just a lipoma. In the meantime, we had to address her high calcium levels. One of the vets we saw, who was very good but unfortunately left the practice, did a lot of research and recommended a change in her diet. I always approach these recommendations with trepidation because the girls can be extremely picky and the last time we did a food change they both lost a lot of weight. We gave it a try with a very slow transition. 

portrait of a tuxedo cat

The new food is Hill's Metabolic, and I'm happy to say both girls are loving it. The best news is that Lola's calcium levels were normal with the last ionized calcium blood test! The vets were worried about the possibility of cancer, but with these last results, her diagnosis is now idiopathic hypercalcemia. Her upper respiratory issues are stable, and she still cycles throughout certain times of the year when she's more sneezy and snotty than usual. She did have two rounds of antibiotics because the stress of moving triggered a URI, but she's doing fabulous now. 

tuxedo cat in a cat tree looking out the window

Lexy, who has always been the more stable one healthwise despite her kidney disease, has had some issues lately. I noticed she was losing weight, and I also noticed a change in her coat. Her skin was more dry and her coat always looked unkempt, no matter how much I tried to brush her. At her six month checkup, the good news was that her kidney levels were fairly stable, but her white blood cell count was extremely high. Our new vet decided to try antibiotics for two weeks and recheck the bloodwork just in case she had some type of infection. 

tuxedo cat in tv cat scratcher

The follow up blood draw showed only a very slight decrease in the white blood cell count, so the vet is concerned about lymphoma or possibly leukemia. (We could also be looking at IBD as well.) We went ahead with an ultrasound (which she had to be sedated for because she was very stressed out.) The results were very concerning. Lexy has significant inflammation in the intestinal tract, slightly enlarged lymph nodes, cysts on her liver, and something going with the spleen. And of course, we already knew her kidneys were compromised. Lexy is now 15, and I didn't want to put her through the stress of an endoscopy and possible chemotherapy. (She's also extremely difficult to pill, so getting any chemo meds in her orally would be almost impossible.) 

portrait of a tabby cat

This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase an item after clicking an affiliate link, we will earn a small commission to buy the girls some treats. You will not pay a higher price.

After a long conversation with our vet, I decided to start her on prednisone. Luckily, she's been taking this very easily. It's a small tablet that I break in half, cover with this pill masker from Tomlyn, and give it to her as a treat. 

This pill masker has been a life saver, and so far so good! She has only been on the prednisone for a couple of weeks, and we go back in about 4 weeks for a recheck. 

tabby cat in a cat tree

Our new vet is absolutely wonderful! I found a feline only practice run by a husband and wife, who are both fantastic. Fingers and paws crossed we'll be seeing them for a while. Now that Lola and Lexy are seniors, I like them to be followed by a consistent vet. 

As for me, I've been enjoying life in the suburbs on the Long Island Sound. Whenever possible I go to one of the parks by the water and enjoy walking around or just sitting by sea.

beach scene

I am truly blessed to live near so much beauty. It is a vast difference from NYC, that's for sure. I enjoyed 24 years in the big city, but I'm very happy to be back in the suburbs. 

beach scene

Last year during the move I injured my sacroiliac joint, which I'm still struggling with. I have good days and not so good days, and I haven't been able to return to massaging yet. I'm going to start seeing a new doctor, so hopefully I'll be able to get back to normal soon. 

beach scene

I know I've said this before, but I'm hoping to start blogging again semi-regularly. Work has been horrific and leaves me little time for anything. I miss interacting with all of our friends and keeping up to date on what's going on with all of you. I have a long list of post ideas, and I have a few reviews and giveaways in the works. I already have two of the products, so I better get to work on those! (If you haven't entered to win a gift pack from Catit, hop on over here and check it out.) 

And because today is Selfie Sunday, here are two selfies of a couple of friends I made on my sojourns. 

canadian goose

ground hog hiding
You can't see me, lady. I'm camouflaged! 

Thanks to everyone who stayed through the end of this post. You'll see us on your blogs soon!  


We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for their selfie Sunday blog hop. Hop on over to see more selfies! 

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  1. Great to hear from you! I am glad the girls are settled and happy now. Moving is stressful for people, but must be worse for cats (dogs seem to accept most things) as they don't know what is happening. I am glad that Lola's calcium levels have returned to normal with the new food.
    I am sorry that Lexy's ultrasound has shown so many problems and hope the Prednisone will help her.
    The area you are living in now looks beautiful.

  2. Thanks for ctaching us up, Dawn, Lola, and Lexy! Now that you are closer and setlled in, we hope we'll be able to get together with you!

  3. Pill masker is DA BOMB!
    Worked very well for us when pilling Celestial Chuck, and his water, blood-pressure, and IBD meds.
    It's good to read that you've found a vet practise that suits you; it's so impawtant to have confidence in them!

  4. I am sorry about all the health issues, especially Lexy's. I will add her to my prayer list. I am glad you and the kitties are happy in your new place. XO

  5. It is lovely to see you and the girl again. Yes it's a worry having health issues but they have the best Mom who watches them closely. You are in a happier place you can all enjoy.

  6. That's a lot going on! You are such an amazing cat mom. The girls are so lucky to have you!

  7. We are glad to catch up with you and "the girls" and send purrayers and Power of the Paw that all the health exams show improvement .

  8. Purrs, hugs and love to both of your girls from all of us, and to you too of course. I'm glad you finally found a good Vet practice. Your views are so darn pretty.

  9. We are glad you and the girls have settled in well. That looks like such a beautiful place to live!

  10. I'm glad the girls are finally settled in! I hope the pred helps Lexy. Sending hugs to you all!

  11. Good to hear from you! We're glad everyone is settled but sorry to hear about the various health problems. We hope things will stabilise. Tama-Chan has been on a tiny dose of prednisone for years due to an allergy problem and does well by it.

    The Chans

  12. Great update-glad to hear the girls are settling into their new routines but sorry to hear about the health issues. Wonderful that you found a good vet-good vets are like gold! Hope you continue to enjoy your new home and work settles down!

  13. Mee-yow Lola an Lexy youss' both been thru so much!!! Thanx to sky cat an THE Vet'ss an Miss Dawn fore gettin you both stabell. Mee an BellaSita will purray fore both of youss'!
    Miss Dawn where you live now iss so beeuteefull....wee wuud love to live inn such a place!
    You sure have been thru alot two. An wee are sorry you hert Sacro-IIlliatic Jointss...they hert bad! BellaSita Mum just had her 3 month Lidocaine shots last Fursday. Her Doctur injects above an beelow each S-I joint. It reelly helpss her alot. Wee hope you heal soon.
    Now to THE Sefliess! George Goose wee wundered where you got two! An you too Chuckie Woodchuck! Mew mew mew.......grate selfiess!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum


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