Today is dress up your pet day! | Lola The Rescued Cat
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today is dress up your pet day!

January 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day! Lexy and I don't really like to dress up much, but we did manage to get a photo shoot.  Our friend Goody from France sent us this very special coat which he calls "The Number One Magic Coat".  Goody sent this  coat from France to a special group of friends, and we are honored to be a parr of that group.  We hope you like our photo shoot.

Did you dress up your pet today? Share your photos on our Facebook Page.


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  1. Awwwwwww , Lola and Lexy! Here is Goody( paw wave, all the way from France ! ) ! IO am 'très honoré' that you accepted to be dressed with your magic Number 1 coat!!!!!!! Ronrons and amour! Goody

    1. Mama Fro! Thanks for stopping by! We love our Number 1 coat almost as much as we love you and Goody.

  2. I'm so annoyed - my human dressed me up, took photos... and then didn't use them for the blog! Grrr...

    1. Oh Summer, I'd be annoyed, too! And you're so cute, I bet they were fab.

  3. You two look really cute! We don't do dress up...and we're glad the mom didn't know about this day.

    1. Hi guys! We don't really dress up either. This is the only time we let Mommy put something on us.

  4. Mew look so great! I always wanted a magic #1 coat. -Smoky ^..^


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